Gentle restorative dentistry

Surgical crown extension

Modern dentistry is putting increasing emphasis on tooth preservation. The use of modern restorative techniques enables dentists to repair ever greater tooth damage.

In many cases, this changes the natural geometry of the periodontium, which may result in significant inflammatory reactions.

A biological width, i.e. the smallest distance between the jaw bone and gingival margin, which is too short frequently causes problems.

Chirurgische Kronenverlängerung Niederkassel

In the patient, too short a biological width generally leads to chronic inflammation of the bone: The body reacts to the changed geometry and tries to break down the bone to restore biological width.

Biological width is restored by surgical crown extension – ideally before the unavoidable inflammatory reaction. Even chronic inflammation that has lasted for years may heal completely afterwards.

At Perioplant Excellence, we have perfected our techniques over a number of years and see ourselves as the go-to partner for your periodontal surgery.

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Frequently asked questions about surgical crown extension

In simple terms, we restore natural geometry. As a rule, we remove small pieces of bone and thus achieve biological width. Inflammations regress or do not occur in the first place.

Basically, whenever the distance between the alveolar bone and filling margin, crown margin or similar has had to be changed because of restorations and hence exogenous material comes too close to the bone (too short a biological width).

Inflammation in the periodontal area can have entirely different causes. Please arrange an appointment for the examination quickly so that we can find out why you have inflammation. Only after this diagnosis is therapy possible.

Accurate diagnostic examinations are always a prerequisite for an operation whose duration depends on the underlying situation. The operation itself takes approx. one hour.

An operation requires the use of anaesthesia. We recommend that you get someone to collect you and do not drive any vehicles on the day of surgery.

No, surgical crown extension is a purely private service.

The costs depend on a high number of factors. Straightforward cases start at approx. 500 Euros.

The operation is performed under anaesthesia. No pain generally occurs during treatment. After the operation, we prescribe you a pain-killing medication for a short time until complete healing.

For over seven years, Perioplant Excellence has successfully treated patients with chronic pain. Modern three-dimensional examination techniques enable us to find the causes quickly and to initiate appropriate therapy.

Depending on the size and nature of the surgery and the procedures involved you may be unable to work for several days. Your doctor will discuss this with you beforehand.