Feel free to contact us!


Do you have any questions or would you like to make an appointment at our dental practice in Niederkassel? Then you can reach us by phone, write an email or send us a message via the contact form. In addition, you also have the option of conveniently and easily making appointments online via our appointment booking service.

Our friendly and experienced practice team is happy to be there for you. Sensitive, motivated and competent, we will answer your questions and ensure your well-being, optimal service, good working procedures and a pleasant atmosphere. We look forward to your visit to our practice.

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    Perioplant Excellence Niederkassel | Kontakt
    Perioplant Excellence

    Dr. med. dent. Nasibeh S. Rad
    Poststrasse 17
    53859 Niederkassel

    0 22 08 – 91 17 33
    F 0 22 08 – 91 01 38
    M praxis(at)perioplant-excellence.de